Wednesday, May 2

Scheduled Tasks FTW

So easy thing today. I'd never done it before so it feels like an accomplishment. I need to send automatic emails every 6mo or so... enter Scheduled Tasks. So I created my script, just a php file that would send a mail when ran. Opened scheduled tasks... made the mistake of trying to use the wizard. Bad idea. That wizard is for n00bs so I couldn't figure it out (ha). Here's my steps:

  1. Right click -> new-> task
  2. Name it
  3. Double click it
  4. in run: type -- C:\php5\php.exe "C:\php5\includes\schedtest.php"
  5. set schedule in Schedule tab
  6. set password
That was it. Seriously. That easy. I couldn't believe it, but it actually worked.

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