JCalPro Multiple Recent Events
This isn't even worth writing about, but it took me forever to figure out, so it's just a reminder.
Using JCalPro and the latest events module is pretty much easy. Just have to keep track of your category IDs and calendar IDs. I wanted mine pretty short, so I turned off everything but Start Time, Category Name and Event Date. I turned on Show Month Separators cause I think it looks nice. I used a <br /> to separate events.
One thing cool I found out was at the bottom, the box for "Specific Itemid for displaying the module" is what controls where the link goes that says "View Full Calendar." Put the calendar ID in there if it's not going to the right one.
So my main problem was, my events weren't showing up! It would just say "There are no upcoming events currently scheduled." I read support forums and almost all said it was a problem with versions. Well, that wasn't it; I'm using Joomla 1.5.10, PHP 5 and JCalPro 2.1.5. I put in some more test dates, and guess what, they showed up! After thinking about it a while, I noticed it was only the recurring events that weren't showing up. Not even the parent events. Hmmm. I looked through the module settings again and saw my problem. I don't know how I passed over it so many times before: